Published on 07/20/2020 16:16 By Sarah Nyamekye
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Looking for the perfect baby boys’ name with the initial A?
We’ve done all of the hard work for you and rounded up the best boy names starting with A. We’ve included the meanings and origins of each name, from biblical names to , you’ll find them here.
Get ready to get inspired.

Classic Baby Boy Names Beginning With A
Keep it classic with one of these traditional names that start with A.
1. Abbott – (Hebrew origin) This name means “father”.
2. Albert – (German origin) Meaning “noble, bright”.
3. Alfred – (English origin) This name means “elf counsel”.
4. Alan – (Celtic origin) This name means “handsome”.
5. Alec – (English origin) This name means “defender of the people”.
6. Alexander – (Greek origin) This name means “man’s defender, warrior”.
7. Allen – (Celtic origin) This name means “harmony, stone or noble”.
8. Alistair – (Greek origin) This name means “man’s defender”.
9. Alvin – (English origin) This name means “elf, friend”.
10. Andy – (English origin) This name means “manly, brave”.
11. Anthony – (English origin) This name means “highly praiseworthy”.
12. Arthur – (Celtic origin) This name means “bear or thor, the eagle”.
13. Arnold – (English origin) This name means “strong as an eagle”.
Contemporary Baby Boys’ Names That Start With A
These popular baby boy names starting with A are right on trend.
1. Alden – (English origin) Meaning “strong as an eagle”.
2. Alejandro – (Spanish origin) Meaning “man’s defender, warrior”.
3. Andre – (French origin) Meaning “manly, brave”.
4. Angelo – (Italian origin) Meaning “messenger from God”.
5. Anton – (Russian origin) Meaning “God”.
6. Ansel – (French origin) Meaning “follower of a nobleman”.
7. Amare – (Latin origin) Meaning “beloved”.
8. Archer – (Latin origin) Meaning “bowman”.
9. Archie – (German origin) Meaning “truly brave”.
10. Armani – (Italian origin) Meaning “son of Kin or Armand”.
11. Austin – (English origin) Meaning “magic dignity”.
Unique Baby Boys’ Names Starting With A
It’s good to be different. Take a look at our picks of unusual baby boy names that start with A.
1. Aditya – (Arabic origin) This name means “the sun”.
2. Adonis – (Greek origin) This means “prince, commanding”.
3. Adriel – (Hebrew origin) This name means “of the flock of God”.
4. Amos – (Hebrew origin) This name means “burden carried”.
5. Anders – (Scandinavian origin) This name means “manly, brave”.
6. Angel – (Greek origin) This name means “messenger from God”.
7. Apollo – (Greek origin) This name means “manly beauty”.
8. Aries – (Latin origin) This means “ram”.
9. Armando – (Spanish origin) This name means “army man”.
10. Arrow – (English origin) This name means “swift and fast”.
11. Arturo – (Celtic origin) This name means “noble or courageous”.
12. Atlas – (Greek origin) This names mans “to carry”.
13. August – (Latin origin) This name means “to increase”.
14. Axel – (German origin) This name means “father of peace”.
15. Azariah – (Hebrew origin) This name means “helped by God”.
Biblical Baby Boy Names That Start With A
If you’re looking to name your baby boy after someone in the Bible then check out these Biblical boy names that start with A.
1. Abel – (Hebrew origin) This name means “son or breath”. In the Bible, Abel, the son of Adam and Eve was killed by his brother Cain.
2. Abner – (Hebrew origin) The name means “my father is light”. In the Bible, Abner was the cousin of King Saul.
3. Abram – (Hebrew origin) This name means “exalted father”. In the Bible, it was originally the name given to the first three patriarchs before God changed it to Abraham.
4. Adam – (Hebrew origin) This name means “son of the red earth”. In the Bible, Adam was the first human to be created by God.
5. Aaron – (Hebrew origin) This name means “high mountain or inspired”. Moses’ brother Aaron in the Bible was Israel’s first high priest.
6. Andrew – (Greek and Scottish origin) This name means “manly, brave”. In the Bible, Andrew was the first of the twelve apostles chosen by Jesus.
7. Asher – (Hebrew origin) This name means “happy, blessed”. In the Bible, Jacob blessed Asher his son with a life of abundance.

Shakespearean Baby Boy Names That Start with A
Are you a fan of Shakespeare? These names that start with A for a boy all come from Shakespearean plays.
1. Abraham – (Hebrew origin) This name means “father of a multitude”. From the Shakespearean play Romeo & Juliet.
2. Alonso – (Spanish origin). This name means “eager for battle” From the Shakespearean play The Tempest.
3. Angus – (Scottish origin) This name means “one choice, one strength”. From the Shakesperean play Macbeth.
4. Antonio – (Italian and Spanish origin) This name means “beyond praise”. From the Shakespearean play The Tempest.
5. Arthur – (English origin) This name means “noble, courageous”. From the Shakespearean play King John.
Short Baby Boy Names That Start With A
Check out our picks of short and sweet boys names we think you’ll love.
1. Aapo – (Finnish origin) This name means “breath”.
2. Aatto– (Finnish origin) This name means “noble wolf”.
3. Abe – (Hebrew origin) This name means “father of multitudes”.
4. Ace – (Latin origin) This name means “number one, the best”.
5. Acel – (French origin) This name means “adherent of a nobleman”.
6. Acis – (Latin origin) This name means “son of Faunus”.
7. Adal – (German origin) This name means “noble”.
8. Adan – (Hebrew origin) This name means “man of the red earth”.
9. Ade – (African origin) This name means “royal”.
10. Aki – (Japanese origin) This name means “sparkle, bright”.
11. Ali – (Arabic origin) This name means “high, champion”.
12. Alf – (Old Norse origin) This name means “elf”.
13. Ali – (Arabic origin) This name means “greatest, lion of God”.
14. Aldo – (German origin) This name means “old or wise”.
15. Arlo – (Spanish origin) This name means “barberry tree”.
16. Art – (Celtic origin) This name means “bear”.
17. Avi – (Hebrew origin) This name means “father of a multitude”.