Published on 06/16/2020 14:49 By Rosanna Robertson
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The Cornish language, despite being spoken by just 1% of the population now, is a big part of the county’s identity. Cornwall is well-known for its beautiful beaches, wild coastline and summer staycations, but it’s also the perfect place to draw inspiration for baby names!
We’ve gathered a list of some of the best Cornish boys’ names for you to choose from, with the meaning of each name and how to pronounce.
So whether it’s the Cornish form of popular British names, such as James or George, or names derived from Cornish places, landmarks and saints, there are lots of brilliant names to choose from.
Inspired by the rugged, breathtaking scenery of Cornwall? We’ve also got the perfect list of nature related names for boys to inspire you.
1. Arthek
Pronunciation: Ardth-ek
This is an old Cornish name that comes from ‘Arto’, which means bear.
2. Arthyen
Pronunciation: Arth-yen
Similarly, this means ‘bear born’ and is the Cornish version of the Welsh ‘Arthen’.
3. Austol
Pronunciation: Os-tal
Austol was a Breton saint who visited Cornwall and is where the town of Saint Austell was named in his honour.
4. Benesek
Pronunciation: Ben-eseck
Meaning ‘blessed’, this name is the Cornish equivalent of the Latin ‘Benedict’. The etymology of ‘Benedict’ can be broken down as ‘bene’ – meaning ‘good’ – and ‘dicte’ – meaning ‘speak’, and as such, the name is thought to mean ‘well-spoken’.
5. Boult
Pronunciation: Boo-lt
A Cornish mans name that was inspired by ‘Pericles’, the Shakespearian play.
6. Brae
Pronunciation: Bray
Cornish for ‘hill’ or ‘borderland’, Brae or Bray was popular in parts of France in addition to Cornwall.
7. Branok
Pronunciation: Bran-ok
Meaning ‘crow’ or ‘raven’ this name is the Cornish form of the Celtic word ‘brano’.
8. Breock
Pronunciation: Bree-ohk
A prince known for his bravery and strength, St. Breock is also a civil parish and village located in the Cornish countryside. Breock is thought to be Cornish for ‘Brioc’, which is Celtic for ‘mighty’.
9. Cadan
Pronunciation: Cade-en
Coming from the words ‘Cadell’ and ‘Kaden’, this is Cornish for battle or companion.

10. Cador
Pronunciation: Kahd-ohr
The meaning of this name is ‘Cornish King’, coming from the much-loved Duke of Cornwall – also a direct relative of King Arthur. The origin of the name is from the British word ‘cad’ – meaning ‘battle’ – and ‘wur’ – meaning ‘man’.
11. Carantok
Pronunciation: Ka-ran-tohk
Coming from the Celtic ‘Karant’, Carantok is Cornish for friend.
12. Carey
Pronunciation: Kare-y
Cornish for ‘The Beloved One’.
13. Casworon
Pronunciation: Kas-wo-ren
This is an ancient Cornish word means ‘battle hero’.
14. Clemo
Pronunciation: Clem-o
A shortening of Clement, this Cornish men’s name translates as ‘mild’ or ‘merciful’.
15. Conan
Pronunciation: Co-nan
Conan was a legendary King of Cornwall – and a Bishop of Truro – and the name comes from the Celtic for ‘high’ or ‘great’.
16. Costentyn
Pronunciation: Cos-tent-in
The Cornish equivalent of the name Constantin, the names comes from the words for ‘steady’ or ‘constant’.
17. Cumow or Curnow
Pronunciation: Cu-mow
Perhaps the ultimate Cornish boy’s name, both variations mean ‘from Cornwall’.
18. Denzil or Denzel
Pronunciation: Denz-il
A popular name derived from a place in Cornwall near Watergate Bay.
19. Diggory
Pronunciation: Digg-ory
An unusual Cornish boy’s name meaning ‘strayed’ or ‘lost’.
20. Edern
Pronunciation: Ed-ern
The Cornish version of the Latin for ‘eternal’, which was a popular name across Wales, Cornwall, and Breton.
21. Enyon
Pronunciation: En-yen
A respected Cornish ruler, Enyon derives from the Latin ‘Annianus’, which means belonging to – or decended from – Annius.

22. Goron
Pronunciation: Gore-on
The Cornish form of the Celtic ‘Kawaro’, this name means ‘hero’ in the Cornish vocabulary.
23. Hedrek
Pronunciation: Hedr-eck
Comes from the Celtic word meaning ‘bold’.
24. Jago
Pronunciation: Jay-goh
This is the Cornish equivalent of ‘James’, which means ‘the supplanter’.
25. Jory
Pronunciation: Jor-y
The Cornish form of ‘George’.
26. Jowan
Pronunciation: Joh-wann
A Cornish boy’s name meaning ‘God is gracious’ or ‘God has given’. This is the Cornish version of ‘John’ – a popular name with strong biblical connections.
27. Kenver
Pronunciation: Ken-ver
This name translates as ‘a great leader’.
28. Kenwyn
Pronunciation: Ken-win
In Cornish vocabulary, Kenwyn means ‘splendid chief’, and it is the name of a village near Truro.
29. Kitto
Pronunciation: Kit-to
Meaning ‘bearer of Christ’ this is the Cornish equivalent of Christopher. Saint Christopher is thought of as the patron saint of travellers.
30. Lanyon
Pronunciation: Lan-yen
A name meaning a ‘lake’ or ‘cold pool’, the name has been derived from a place in the Madron parish, located near Penzance. The etymology of this name is ‘lyn’ – meaning ‘pool’ – and ‘yeyn’ – meaning ‘cold’.
31. Lowen
Pronunciation: Low-en
This Cornish boy’s name derives from the word ‘joyful’.
32. Maban
Pronunciation: Mah-bann
In the Cornish vocabulary, Maban means simply ‘boy’.
33. Massen
Pronunciation: Mass-en
This name is the Cornish equivalent of Maximus, which means ‘greatest’.
34. Merryn
Pronunciation: Mer-ryn
A Cornish Saint, St Merryn is also a Cornish place name, which is located on the north coast, near Padstow.
35. Opie
Pronunciation: O-pee
This name translates as being similar to ‘God Almighty’.
36. Penrose
Pronunciation: Pen-rose
An old Cornish name meaning either ‘the end’ or ‘the top’. Coming from the Celtic language, ‘pen’ means ‘top’ and ‘ros’ means either ‘heath’ or ‘moorland’. This name can be shortened to ‘Penn’ for an unusual nickname
37. Pascoe or Pascow
Pronunciation: Pask-o
A Cornish name derived from ‘Pascal’, both variations relate to Easter or Passover, and it was a popular choice of first name until the mid-1700s.
38. Peran
Pronunciation: Pe-ran
Baby name meaning ‘little dark one’.
39. Piran
Pronunciation: Pier-an
An old Cornish name inspired by St. Piran, the patron saint of Cornwall.
40. Rowse
Pronunciation: Row-se
Cornish name meaning ‘from the heathland’
41. Ruan
Pronunciation: Roo-an
Meaning to come from Ruan Lanihorne – a Cornish village and civil parish. In Gaelic, Ruan means ‘little red one’, making it the perfect choice for a redhead.
42. Santo
Pronunciation: Sahn-tow
A lovely, Cornish diminutive of the ever-popular Alexander.
43. Tremaine or Tremayne
Pronunciation: Tri-may-ne
Cornish name for a ‘rock settlement’.
44. Trystan
Pronunciation: Tri-stan
A Cornish name meaning ‘the noisy one’.
45. Zennor
Pronunciation: Zen-or
A place name, named after a remote and wild Cornish village located in West Cornwall, and the place of origin for the legend of the Mermaid of Zennor. Zennor is one of the Cornish baby names that is unisex.