
85 Female Native American Names With Meanings and History

Published on 06/14/2022 17:05 By Anusuya Mukherjee;Naman Khanna;Ashima Jain;Joan Agie
Edited by Ashima Jain | Fact-checked by Naman Khanna

Whether it is Native American baby names, Native American Indian dog names female, or female Native American, they are inspired by various elements of nature.

Origins of the most Native American names can be traced to languages like Mandan, Iroquois, Chippewa, Zuni, Algonquin, Sioux, and Hopi and are inspired by native American languages. Some of the popular Native American baby names that you may pick are Kai, Takoda, Odina, and Dakoda.

Most of these names derive their heritage from natural elements, such as night, river, Sun, sparrow, city, mountain, flower, bear, deer, spirit, sequoia tree, wind, and willow tree. Parents can opt for a popular sweet variant for their little star after taking inspiration from the respective cultures and their meanings.

Read on for some extremely sweet yet cool names that parents can opt for while selecting a unique name for the chief little one.

Famous Female Native American Names

There are various popular female native American names that are interesting and unique. Check out the following list of famous female native American names and understand more about them.

Abedabun (Native American origin), meaning ‘sight of the day’, is a unique and popular baby girl name in Native America.

Adsila (Native American origin), meaning ‘blossom’, is a beautiful Native American girl name.

Aiyana (Native American origin), meaning ‘forever flowering’, is a famous female name for a Native American girl.

Amitola (Native American origin), meaning ‘like a rainbow’, is another wonderful Native American name for girls in Native American culture.

Anevay (Native American origin), meaning ‘superior’, is another wonderful female name in Native American culture.

Aponi (Native American origin), meaning ‘butterfly’, is a trendy Native American girl name that enjoys great popularity.

Aviaja (Native American origin), meaning ‘expressive and positive’, is one of the Native American girl names.

Awinita (Native American origin), meaning ‘fawn’, is one of the baby girl names inspired by a Native American tribe name.

Ayita (Native American origin), meaning ‘one who is first to dance’, is a fabulous name for a Native American girl.

Behitha (Native American origin), meaning ‘an eagle child’ or ‘the beginning of an event’, is a fabulous name for girls in Native America.

Bly (Native American origin), meaning ‘tall or high’, is a cute and small name for girls that means beautiful.

Chenoa (Native American origin), meaning ‘white dove’, is a wonderful name for a female child.

Citlali (Native American origin), meaning ‘a star’, is a fabulous Native American name for girls.

Citlali (Native American origin), meaning ‘a star’, is another great name for Algonquin girls.

Dakota (Native American origin) means ‘friend’. Dakota is a wonderful name for Zuni girls.

Fala (Native American origin), meaning ‘a bird name’ or ‘a crow’, is one of the perfect Native American girl names.

Galilahi (Native American origin), meaning ‘attractive’, is one of the fascinating Native American girl names.

Halona (Native American origin), meaning ‘fortune’, is one of the lucky Native American girl names inspired by a tribe.

Kaya (Native American origin), meaning ‘my eldest sister’, is a traditionally used Native American name for girls.

Kimimela (Native American origin), meaning ‘butterfly’, is one of the Native American girl names.

Kionam (Native American origin), meaning ‘brown hills’, is a beautiful name for girls in Native American culture.

Leotie (Native American origin), meaning ‘one who is like a flower of the prairie’, is a unique and rare name for a Native American girl.

Malia (Native American origin), meaning ‘one who is calm’, is a fantastic baby name for girls in Native American culture.

Nita (Native American origin), meaning ‘bear’, is another beautiful baby name for girls and enjoys great popularity.

Onacona (Native American origin), meaning ‘white owl’, is a beautiful Native American female name.

Taini (Native American origin), meaning ‘returning moon’, is a fantastic female name in Native American culture.

Tala (Native American origin), meaning ‘wolf’, is a beautiful Native American girl name.

Tallulah (Native American origin), meaning ‘leaping water’, is one of the Native American girl names that enjoys great popularity. The name meaning ‘leaping water’ is also quite interesting. At times, leaping water can also be interpreted as a wave.

Native American names meaning night will surely be preferred by a grandmother.

Native American Female Warriors Names

There have been numerous female warriors in Native American history. Go through the following list of Native American female warriors’ names and understand more about them.

Wilma Mankiller is a native of Oklahoma and is a famous Native American warrior.

Susan La Flesche Picotte was another Native American warrior. A great name for a daughter.

Nancy Ward is another warrior who became a mighty political leader for the Cherokee tribe in native America.

Buffalo Calf RoadWoman is another Cheyenne woman who was a popular Native American warrior. A great name choice for a little one.

Lozen was a famous Native American warrior and prophet for the Chihenne Chiricahua Apache.

Sarah Winnemucca was born in the Numa tribe and was another Native American warrior.

Lyda Conley was a powerful female warrior in Native American history. An interesting name for a daughter.

Maria Tallchief was another hero who fought fiercely in native American history.

Zitkala-Sa was an activist who worked very hard for Native American civil rights.

Pine Leaf was the Native American chief who proved to be a great warrior. A great name for your little one.

Pocahontas was one of the most famous Native American warriors of all time.

Sacajawea was another famous warrior in Native American history. A great name for your first daughter.

Elizabeth Peratrovich was another powerful lady who fought like a warrior in native America.

Annie Dodge Wauneke was an influential member of the Navajo nation in Native America.

Mary Golda Ross was a Cherokee warrior who became the first Native American aerospace engineer.

Winona LaDuke is another powerful Native American warrior who was also an environmentalist, writer, and economist.

Elouise Cobell is another strong warrior who was also known as the ‘yellow bird woman’ in native America.

Deb Haaland is a wonderful warrior who became the first Native American cabinet secretary and head of the Interior Department.

Michaela Goade was another powerful hero in Native American history.

Ashley Callingbull Burnham was a strong warrior in Native American history.

Female Cherokee Native American Names

There are various interesting Cherokee Native American names for girls. Check out the following list of female Cherokee Native American names and understand more about them.

Annie Dodge Wauneke was an influential member of the Navajo nation in Native America.

Ashley Callingbull Burnham was a strong warrior in Native American history.

Buffalo Calf RoadWoman is another Cheyenne woman who was a popular Native American warrior. A great name choice for a little one.

Deb Haaland is a wonderful warrior who became the first Native American cabinet secretary and head of the Interior Department.

Elizabeth Peratrovich was another powerful lady who fought like a warrior in Native America.

Elouise Cobell is another strong warrior who was also known as the Yellow Bird Woman in Native America.

Lozen was a famous Native American warrior and prophet for the Chihenne Chiricahua Apache.

Lyda Conley was a powerful female warrior in Native American history. An interesting name for a daughter.

Maria Tallchief was another hero who fought fiercely in Native American history.

Mary Golda Ross was a Cherokee warrior who became the first Native American aerospace engineer.

Michaela Goade was another powerful hero in Native American history.

Nancy Ward is another warrior who became a mighty political leader for the Cherokee tribe in Native America.

Pine Leaf was a Native American chief who proved to be a great warrior. A great name for your little one.

Pocahontas was one of the most famous Native American warriors of all time.

Sacajawea was another famous warrior in Native American history. A great name for your first daughter.

Sarah Winnemucca was born in the Numa tribe and was another Native American warrior.

Susan La Flesche Picotte was another Native American warrior. A great name for a daughter.

Wilma Mankiller is a native of Oklahoma and is a famous Native American warrior.

Winona LaDuke is another powerful Native American warrior who was also an environmentalist, writer, and economist.

Zitkala-Sa was an activist who worked very hard for Native American civil rights.

Native American Female Horse Names

There are various cute names for Native American female horses. Check out the following list of Native American female horse names and understand more about them.

Fala (Choctaw origin), meaning ‘crow’, is another wonderful female horse pet name in Native America.

Kimmela (Sioux origin), meaning ‘butterfly’, is a wonderful female horse name in Native America.

Kinta (Choctaw origin), meaning ‘deer’, is a beautiful Native American female horse name.

Maikoh (Navajo origin), meaning ‘wolf’, is a unique female horse pet name in Native America.

Mika (Sioux origin), meaning ‘raccoon’, is a trendy female horse pet name in Native America.

Opa (Choctaw origin), meaning ‘owl’, is another wonderful name for female horses in Native America.








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